Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Artsy Blogs

Apologetics Blogs · Main Blogs · Debate blogs · Philological and Language Blogs · Artsy Blogs · Autobiographical Blogs (2 from 7 are 13 +) · Small blogs

On the blogs
and on getting things performed, printed, paid

General index 2,39 k · What's the deal? C'est quoi ce truc? 762 · I erased one message. Here is why: 598

impressa in octavo 2,92 k · Printing Books / Imprimer des Livres 589 · From Blog Posts or Notebook to Book : Part II, from reproducible originals to books you can turn the pages of 311

booklets if you can have double sided photocopies - and aerosol stencil 296 · Comment donner un long lien d'internet ... 263 · From Blog Posts or Notebook to Book : Part I, up to reproducible originals 185 · Instructions about Printing 168

compositions and criticism and theory
Toutes les périodes / all times 117897

Sonata Nemetodurica 3,08 k · Why Burl Ives Didn't Give Chords for All Keys 1,83 k · What was Trobar Clus? 1,79 k · Ceci est métrique en français 1,79 k · Schenker and Couperin in Hypodoris (new scan) 1,38 k

"Here are three chords ..." 1,26 k · Dm (guitar) 1,23 k · C (guitar) 1,2 k · G7 (guitar) 1,17 k · La Sonate et la Sonatine 1,1 k

Arpeggi Jumping One String 1,03 k · Andantino de Bonsergent (tourné correctement) 992 · Rondeau de Nanterre (tourné correctement) 977 · I looked for Johann Sebastian Bach on 977 · Polska från Paris 869

L'église créa la musique profane, comme sous-produit 852 · Andantino de Bonsergent 840 · Some of the Music Lovers Here May Know This Already 528 · Read an Article on Musical Tastes 520

Sonata Nemetodurica Secunda 479 · Between major and minor ... 472 · England is Still Musical! 453

gm b1 lou
criticism of comics / pop culture, FR
Toutes les périodes / all times 112355

Il y a des gens, ce qui leur gâche des média populaires est la question raciale 5,36 k · Robin des Bois : René Thévenin et Walt Disney 5,28 k · Dégringolade morale de Dupuis 4,54 k · Non, le street art n'est pas juste un boys' club 4,09 k · Bravo, Émile 3,79 k

Aussi direct que les AMAP, davantage libre pour le consommateur : La Ruche que dit Oui ! 3,75 k · 2 * Paris à Gallerie 43 3,55 k · Clément Reinaud en La galerie Sabine Bayasli 2,35 k · Alain Sanders donna une critique favorable de Spirou chez les Soviets 2,28 k · Souvenirs d'un Elficologue 1,39 k

Rahan bi- / trimestriel 2 - comprend aussi Mbong ... 1,34 k · Persée - vérités possibles, mensonge certain 1,13 k · Gallerie 43, adresse 43, rue Vandrezanne, XIII quartier Butte aux Cailles, vernissage vendredi 1,06 k · Rahan, encore - trimestriel n° 3 1,05 k · les aigles décapitées : cycle deux 642

Le Monde des Ados 598 · les aigles décapitées 578 · Belle référence à l'élève Ducobu 578 · Histoires vraies N° 324, février 2022 : Pierre le Grand 551 · Gratitude et Publicité 537

Recipes from Home and Abroad
Toutes les périodes / all times 51243

Les artistes (peintres, graveurs ...) - avec un peu de patrons ou mécènes et autres connexes 260 · Le goût de Garibaldi 218 · Sudoku, planifier en avance/plan in advance 200 · Salade St Eustache (hier, mon analyse) 178 · Sudoku-construction (steg för steg) 169

Holy Geometry 164 · They call it Schorle or G'spritzt 161 · How does one use diagrams for webs or similar anyway? 129 · Cake without equatorial imports or chemicals 126 · Ce n'est pas - malgré le nom - du hareng saur 114

Cocoa mulch - avoid if you have a dog 104 · Can a sausage contain 104% meat? 94 · If ever you throw away old shoes – save the shoestrings ! 91 · Comment expliquer KROPPKAKOR à un francophone? 89

37 k + 70,1 k + 5,26 k = 112,36 k
11,5 k + 21,3 k + 13,2 k = 46 k
8,1 k + 12,5 k + 3,88 k = 24,48 k
1,64 k + 2,39 k + 5,72 k = 9,75 k
3,42 k + 2,53 k + 3,55 k = 9,5 k
4,09 k + 2,02 k + 3,21 k = 9,32 k
1,66 k + 2,92 k + 4,52 k = 9,1 k
1,45 k + 1,37 k + 1,9 k = 4,72 k
1,25 k
12,4 k + 6,62 k + 3,41 k = 22,43 k
Sous-total A
112,36 k + 46 k + 24,48 k + 9,75 k + 9,5 k + 9,32 k + 9,1 k + 4,72 k + 1,25 k + 22,43 k = 248,91 k
756 = 0,76 k
6,86 k + 4,06 k + 0,76 k = 11,68 k
445 = 0,45 k
4,11 k + 0,45 k = 4,56 k
406 + 649 = 1055 = 1,06 k
1,31 k + 1,06 k = 2,37 k
Sous-total B
4,56 k + 2,37 k + 11,68 k = 18,61 k
447 + 895 + 982 = 2324
244 + 999 + 696 = 1939
795 + 850 = 1645
Émirats arabes unis
664 + 528 + 446 = 1638
453 + 559 + 510 = 1522
360 + 357 = 717
186 + 398 = 584
Corée du Sud
région indéterminée
734 + 497 + 867 = 2098
Sous-total C
2324 + 1939 + 1645 + 1638 + 1522 + 919 + 717 + 584 + 478 + 182 + 2098 = 14046 = 14,05 k

248,91 k + 18,61 k + 14,05 k = 281,57 k

117 k 897 + 112 k 355 + 51 k 243 = 281 k 495 ~ 281,57 k

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

One Disagreement with Tommaso

musicalia:Posting link, while video in premiere : Can We Write Songs "From Theory"? [with Diana de Cabarrus] (by Tommaso Zillio) · One Disagreement with Tommaso · If Anyone Is Paranoid Enough to Believe I Compose by ChatGPT? Watch This! · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: What is Music Theory, Really? Is It Any Help? Yes, If the Right One

He said Jazz, Metal, etc, could be distinguished from, not just a specific Classical style, like Baroque, Viennese Classic, Romantic, but all of common practise. I e Classical from Baroque to Romanticism.

On one item, I'd actually concede the point. Much modern popular music actually does have a direction towards the dominant rather than from dominant to tonic. But that, in turn, is a return to something which was very currently done in Medieval and Renaissance music, it was called plagal cadence.

Apart from that, and for tunes that do not use this particular conceit, I would say, common practise extends from Baroque over Romanticism, over vaudeville, to modern pop. Any type, jazz, country, schlager, metal, rockabilly, has a high degree of common practise.

Atonal and other experimental styles are actually less classical than modern popular music. Aniara by Blomdahl or The Rite of Spring by Stravinski have less in common with the Opera and Operette I head in Vienna, than Hammerstein or Bernstein have.

So, like Romanticism, and unlike atonal, modern pop is a recognisable widening of the constraints inherent in common practise, but not a rupture from them. However, any given common practise style would be different from any given modern pop style, as having different extra constraints./HGL

Posting link, while video in premiere : Can We Write Songs "From Theory"? [with Diana de Cabarrus] (by Tommaso Zillio)

musicalia:Posting link, while video in premiere : Can We Write Songs "From Theory"? [with Diana de Cabarrus] (by Tommaso Zillio) · One Disagreement with Tommaso · If Anyone Is Paranoid Enough to Believe I Compose by ChatGPT? Watch This! · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: What is Music Theory, Really? Is It Any Help? Yes, If the Right One

Can We Write Songs "From Theory"? [with Diana de Cabarrus]
MusicTheoryForGuitar, 1.II.2023